Monday, September 19, 2011


Why does everyone always go with the normal?
We write things, like movies, the same way everyone has always done. Similarities are running rampant all over your T.V, your computer screen, your books.
I guess nothing really is new under the sun...
For once, I'd like to see a disaster on an airplane happen and no one gets hit by the food cart.
What if there was a dentist with bad teeth.
Obese models, ninja's in wheelchairs, goats that eat nothing but grass.
Zombies who don't eat people, vampires who hate blood.
What if while we're watching the T.V, it's actually watching us?
Our whole world is built on perceptions, and assumptions. It's our nature, but the problem is, we jump to conclusions so fast, we don't see the truth.
For instance...a girl walks into a store with dark circles under her eyes, messy hair and needing a shower. She picks up the few groceries she can afford and hands the cashier crumpled and dirty dollar bills.
Everyone in the store assumes, from her appearance, she's a filthy little drug addicted street rat. When in reality she got the circles under her eyes from weeks of staying up working a night shift after a long day shift just to buy those few groceries to feed her younger siblings because her father is dead and her mother is disabled.
A man has an affair and divorces his wife. Sounds bad doesn't it? he's a horrible man.
But what if, his wife verbally abused him every year for the fourteen years they were married. Everytime he came home from work she exploded when he walked in with dirt on his boots messing up her floor.
When he wanted to spend time with his family she freaked out and said he never wanted to spend time with her.
Always told him he was a failure, always told everyone he had anger issues and a drinking problem when he only tossed that chair at the wall because he was agnry but didn't want to hurt the woman he loved and had one beer with a friend one night.
Then he met a woman who would just talk to him, offered him friendship and fell in love with friendliness.
Sometimes we push people away and blame them when really, all that was wrong was we weren't happy.
Just because the circles are there, doesn't mean the drugs are.
Just because he fell in love with someone else, doesn't mean he was a sex crazed jerk.
Just because the cart is on the airplane, doesn't mean it will kill someone.
But maybe I'm wrong, maybe she is a hype.
Maybe he's a liar and a cheater.
Maybe the cart is a hazard.
But what if there's more than meets the eye?
Lets bust from this prison of perceptions and look at the whole picture. Let's change the way we view our world and our lives, and maybe, we'll find a wonderful world of new ideas and bright futures.

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